Field Trips

Museums & Galleries

Museums & Galleries


Our “speckled frogs” are an active, adventurous group, so we embark on two field trips per week throughout the school year, as well as the occasional extra outing in our precious summers. These outings are designed for the benefit of the children and include many local attractions, such as the Telus World of Science, Glenbow Museum, Bernard Callebaut Chocolate Factory and our annual Calgary Stampede!!

Our summer program and professional days throughout the school year include day trips to surrounding locals, such as Kayben Farm, the Royal Tyrell Museum and easy hikes in the Kananaskis/Banff Area. All field trip costs are included in the monthly fees, as well as one individual dayhome pinny/biking vest and matching sunhat free of charge. Any outings which would incur an additional cost that is above our typical entry fees, such as the International Children’s Festival, will be booked only upon the consent of all current client families.

Although our field trips do include many cultural excursions, the majority of our forays involve exploring the beauty of our natural parks. Here at speckled frogs, we firmly believe and endorse the benefits of fresh air, rain or shine, so unless the temperature drops below a chilly -25 degrees Celsius; children will be outside on a daily basis!!

A wild forest or landscape provides myriad opportunities for growth, cooperation, trust, confidence and creativity. Children thrive in the freedom of the outdoors; they can yell, fun, climb and test the limits of their capabilities. Playing in the rain or snow will improve your child’s spatial awareness (i.e. How many kids fit under a single umbrella? How far does my splash extend?), environmental cause and effect(i.e. Where does snow come from?), language and literacy skills (new vocab. & active story telling) and an understanding of math concepts (i.e. counting, weight & concentration).

Please ensure that your child is either dropped off or stores appropriate gear in their dayhome bag for daily outdoor play/excursions. Parents will be notified in advance should any specific gear be required for a field trip, such as a swimsuit, hiking shoes, bike helmet or skates! So, if your child is ready to embark on an adventure, speckled frogs dayhome may be a perfect fit! Take the leap and join in the fun!!

The Great Outdoors

The Great Outdoors